Wisdom from the Great Temple Complex of Amun of Karnak in Thebes, Ancient Egypt:
•If you would know yourself, take yourself as starting point and go back to its source; your beginning will disclose your end.
•Know the world in yourself. Never look for yourself in the world, for this would be to project your illusion.
•If you would build something solid, do not work with wind: always look for a fixed point, something you know that is stable ... yourself.
•If the Master teaches what is error, the disciple's submission is slavery; if he teaches truth, this submission is ennoblement.
•The first concerning the 'secrets': all cognition comes from inside; we are therefore initiated only by ourselves, but the Master gives the keys.
•Man must learn to increase his sense of responsibility and of the fact that everything he does will have its consequences.
•The kingdom of heaven is within you; and whosoever shall know himself shall find it.
•The body is the house of God. That is why it is said, "Man know thyself."
•Popular beliefs on essential matters must be examined in order to discover the original thought.
•To know means to record in one's memory; but to understand means to blend with the thing and to assimilate it oneself.
•A man's heart is his own Neter (God).
• A house has the character of the man who lives in it.
•The first thing necessary in teaching is a master; the second is a pupil capable of carrying on the tradition.
•The man who knows how to lead one of his brothers towards what he has known may one day be saved by that very brother.
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